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      Broken home? two words that made me suffer so much. The love of both parents that I had to get, just disappeared and just disappeared. Everyone would want a comfortable, harmonious life and also get love from their parents. However, what about me? Don't I deserve it ?. In fact, parental love cannot be replaced with anything. I'm sure, Allah planned all this is the best for me and my family.

      Family is something that cannot be separated from the life of every individual, even the future depends on whether a family relationship is good or not. I felt it was hard enough to accept the fact that my family was different from other families, coupled with the emotional turmoil within myself.

     Three years ago, my mother had a new family and now has two sons. they live in cairo, egypt. Here I live with my grandparents. everything was saved by my grandparents who could replace my parents. Grandparents were so great that they could raise, educate and love me until now I could become a student. Maybe without them.

     People think, when they see me I look happy and fine. but behind all that there is the sadness that i feel All this time I could hide everything from them. stay strong, because I have dreams that I have to achieve, that is to make my grandparents happy and proud who are always there for me. And I was determined to be able to dispatch the pilgrimage.

     I am not alone and I believe that all of this is a process that will make me fully human. Maybe with disharmony, separation, inconvenience or an incomplete family, I can become a complete human.


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